Face Mask After Steam: Yes or No?

by Johnny Jacks

Steaming has been a popular beauty method among women from ancient times to the present day. This method is easy to perform and helps improve various skin issues. When combined with other skincare steps, steaming can make the skin smooth, firm, and vibrant. However, the question arises: should you apply a face mask after steaming? Let’s explore the answer in the following article!

What to do after facial steaming?

Before determining whether to apply a face mask after facial steaming, let’s consider some factors that need to be kept in mind to ensure the safety of your skin and achieve the desired steaming effect.

After steaming, experts advise against immediately applying cold water or ice. During this time, the pores are fully expanded to remove dirt, oil, toxins, and absorb nutrients. If the temperature changes too abruptly with the application of cold water or ice, it can potentially cause skin damage, including dangerous cold burns, which may take a long time to recover from.

After completing a facial steam, it is advisable not to apply ice immediately.

After completing a facial steam, it is advisable not to apply ice immediately.

Instead of immediately applying a face mask after steaming your face, it is recommended to use a sterilized makeup removal cotton pad to gently wipe your face dry. Following this, take a relaxing break for at least 10 minutes before washing your face thoroughly with cool water. Subsequently, you can comfortably use ice cubes to cool and tighten your pores.

While some women advocate the use of facial masks to swiftly replenish nutrients and repair any damage to the skin after steaming, the effectiveness of applying a facial mask immediately post-steaming is a subject of discussion. The next section will delve into this matter to provide the most detailed answer.

Is it truly effective and advisable to wear a mask after using a sauna?

Is it truly effective and advisable to wear a mask after using a sauna?

Is it advisable to apply a face mask after facial steaming?

The application of a face mask is a highly favored step in the skincare routines of many women. Alongside using face masks, they incorporate various other skincare steps, including moisturizing, treating dark spots, and steaming, to attain beautiful, smooth skin.

Among these steps, steaming is recognized as an effective method for cleansing the skin. Nonetheless, there remains a common query among women regarding whether it is suitable to apply a face mask after steaming. Let’s delve further into this topic.

Steaming involves heating the skin and expanding the pores, facilitating the removal of dirt, oil, and makeup residue. Moreover, the process enhances the exchange of nutrients in the skin, presenting an opportune moment to nourish the skin by applying a face mask.

Yes, wearing a mask after steaming is recommended as it offers excellent benefits for the skin.

Yes, wearing a mask after steaming is recommended as it offers excellent benefits for the skin.

When applying a face mask, the nutrients permeate through the pores, reaching deep into the skin, promoting its health and beauty while simultaneously tightening the pores. Various types of face masks are available, catering to different purposes, preferences, and skin types. Applying a face mask for 15-20 minutes after steaming can visibly enhance the skin.

How long should one wait before applying a face mask after steaming?

In addition to the question of whether it’s suitable to apply a face mask after steaming, the duration one should wait before applying a face mask after steaming is a common query posed by many women in beauty forums and social media groups.

You should apply the mask only after steaming your face for approximately 15 minutes.

You should apply the mask only after steaming your face for approximately 15 minutes.

Based on surveys conducted by dermatology experts and beauty bloggers, the general recommendation after facial steaming is to wait approximately 15 minutes before applying a face mask. During this time, the skin stabilizes, and the majority of dirt, oil, and toxins are removed, creating an optimal environment for nutrients to deeply penetrate the skin.

Consequently, the skin receives nourishment from within, resulting in a smoother, firmer, and healthier complexion.

Natural Ingredient Masks

For those who prefer a natural approach post-steaming, natural ingredient masks are an ideal choice. Natural beauty ingredients are gentle and safe for sensitive skin following steaming. Below are some examples of natural masks you can use after steaming:

Green Tea and Honey MaskGreen tea is renowned for its antioxidant properties, such as EGCG and Polyphenol, which aid in preventing skin aging, cleansing excess sebum, and refining pores. Honey, on the other hand, serves as an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Follow the steps below to create this mask:

Brighten skin, treat acne with honey and green tea mask

Brighten skin, treat acne with honey and green tea mask

    • Mix green tea powder with honey evenly.
    • Apply this mixture to your skin for approximately 10 minutes.
    • Cleanse your skin with water.

Honey and Lemon Mask Recipe:

    • Mix honey and lemon juice evenly.
    • After cleaning your skin, apply the mixture and gently massage.
    • Allow your skin to relax for about 10 minutes.
    • Clean your skin with water.

Yogurt and Potato Mask for Brightening Skin after Steaming:

    • Mix yogurt and mashed potatoes evenly.
    • After cleaning your skin, apply the mixture and gently massage.
    • Let your skin relax for about 10 minutes.
    • Cleanse your skin with water.

These natural ingredient masks are not only gentle and safe for sensitive skin after steaming but also offer various benefits such as preventing aging, moisturizing, and brightening the skin.

Tips on applying a yogurt and potato mask after steaming your face.

Tips on applying a yogurt and potato mask after steaming your face.


  1. Begin by cleaning and peeling the potatoes, then steam them.
  2. Mash the potatoes and mix them with yogurt.
  3. Apply the mixture to your skin for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Thoroughly rinse your face with water and proceed with your regular skincare routine.

Aloe vera post-steam skincare tip:

When selecting a face mask after a steam session, consider using an aloe vera mask. Aloe vera gel contains numerous nutrients that are effective in soothing inflammation and tightening pores. Moreover, its high water content makes aloe vera extremely hydrating, serving as an excellent moisturizing ingredient for post-steam skincare.

You can use aloe vera on its own or combine it with other ingredients such as lemon juice, honey, essential oils, or egg whites to enhance its skin-nourishing properties.

Enhance skin brightness and smoothness with aloe vera.

Enhance skin brightness and smoothness with aloe vera.


    • Prepare 1-2 aloe vera leaves.
    • Thoroughly wash the aloe vera, carefully peel it, and extract the gel inside.
    • Mash or blend the aloe vera into a smooth consistency for easier application on the skin.
    • Cleanse your face with cool water and apply the aloe vera gel.
    • Leave the gel on your skin for 10-15 minutes, then gently massage and rinse your face. Proceed with your regular skincare routine afterward.

Beautiful Skin Recipe with Egg Whites:

    • Egg whites are a popular ingredient known for treating various skin problems, particularly effective in tightening pores and removing accumulated dirt and bacteria.
    • After steaming your face, apply an egg white mask to help make your skin smooth, rosy, and healthy.
    • Separate the egg white from the yolk and whisk it until it forms a frothy consistency.
    • Apply the egg white to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
    • Rinse your face with cool water and follow up with your regular skincare routine.

These natural recipes using aloe vera and egg whites can contribute to healthier and more radiant skin, especially when incorporated into your post-steam skincare routine.

Egg whites tighten pores and effectively prevent aging.

Egg whites tighten pores and effectively prevent aging.


    • Prepare 1 egg and separate the egg white from the yolk.
    • Beat the egg white until frothy.
    • Cleanse your face and apply the beaten egg white onto the skin.
    • Gently massage for 2-3 minutes to allow the nutrients to penetrate deep into the skin.
    • Relax for 15 minutes and rinse your face with cool water.

Post-Steam Facial Mask with Turmeric Starch:

    • If you have mild scarring and discoloration caused by acne, consider applying a turmeric starch mask after steaming your face.
    • Turmeric starch is rich in beauty nutrients, particularly curcumin, known for its excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helping fade scars and prevent skin aging.
    • Similar to aloe vera, you can combine turmeric starch with ingredients such as honey, fresh milk, coconut oil, lime juice, green bean powder, etc., to address various skin issues.
Turmeric powder has various beauty applications.

Turmeric powder has various beauty applications.


    • Prepare 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder and a sufficient amount of unsweetened yogurt.
    • Mix the ingredients well together.
    • Cleanse your face and apply the mixture onto your skin.
    • Leave the mixture on your face for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water.

Moisturizing and Lightening Mask with Banana and Yogurt:

    • Banana and yogurt form a potent combination for facial skin care, offering miraculous benefits.
    • Bananas are rich in vitamins A, B, and E, along with nutrients like folic acid, iron, zinc, and potassium. These components aid in preventing aging, reducing wrinkles, and effectively treating hyperpigmentation, resulting in visibly rosy and smooth skin.
    • Yogurt, on the other hand, contains ingredients with moisturizing properties, facilitates wound healing, and effectively lightens dark spots.
    • After steaming your face, don’t miss out on this amazing recipe for a radiant and nourished complexion.
Banana and yogurt are skincare wonders widely used by many women.

Banana and yogurt are skincare wonders widely used by many women.


    • Prepare half a banana and a few tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt.
    • Blend or mash the banana into a smooth puree, then thoroughly mix it with the yogurt to create a creamy mixture.
    • Cleanse your face and apply the mixture to your skin, combining with a gentle massage for a few minutes to allow the skin to better absorb the nutrients.
    • After 15-20 minutes, rinse your face with cool water.

How Often Should You Steam Your Face Per Week?

    • While steaming is a highly effective beauty treatment, engaging in it too frequently within a week can have adverse effects on your skin.
    • Excessive sweating during frequent steaming sessions can disrupt your skin’s balance and lead to dryness.
    • The appropriate frequency of steaming sessions depends on your skin type and condition to achieve the best results.
    • If you have dry or sensitive skin, it’s advisable to steam only 1-2 times a week. The optimal steaming time is around 10-15 minutes to ensure the best outcomes for your skin.
The frequency of sauna sessions depends on your skin.

The frequency of sauna sessions depends on your skin.

If you have oily or combination skin, you can steam your face more frequently—approximately 2-3 times per week, with each session lasting 10-15 minutes. Now that you know the recommended duration for steaming your face before applying a face mask, you may want to delve deeper into proper steam facial procedures.

The Proper Steam Facial Procedures You Should Know

To achieve optimal results from steaming, it’s crucial to follow the correct steps.

Step 1: Cleanse your face before steaming

Cleansing is a vital step in any beauty routine. Our skin is exposed to a considerable amount of dirt, bacteria from the environment, excess oil, and makeup that can clog pores and impede the excretion process.

Cleanse your face before steaming for better results.

Cleanse your face before steaming for better results.

Therefore, before steaming your face, dampen your face with water, apply face wash evenly, create foam, and massage it onto the skin. Finally, rinse your face with cool water and proceed with steaming.

Step 2: Steam with Your Favorite IngredientsIn addition to the question of whether you should apply a face mask after steaming, the choice of ingredients for facial steaming is also a concern for many individuals. Commonly used main ingredients for facial steaming include lemongrass, lemon leaves, ginger, salt, etc.

After boiling water with the aforementioned ingredients, use a cloth to cover your head and the steaming pot, ensuring to maintain a safe distance of 30-50 cm to avoid skin burns. During steaming, allow sweat to be naturally excreted; there is no need to use paper or towels to absorb sweat while steaming.

Lemon leaves, grapefruit peel, and lemongrass are excellent ingredients for a sauna.

Lemon leaves, grapefruit peel, and lemongrass are excellent ingredients for a sauna.

After steaming for 10-15 minutes, when the water has started to cool down, you can cease steaming and use a towel to wipe off the sweat. At this point, you will notice your skin becoming brighter, smoother, and your body feeling much more refreshed.Step 3: Gently Apply Cold Stones or Wash Your Face with Cold Water

Following steaming, your pores will be expanded, so it’s advisable to use cold stones or wash your face with cold water to shrink the pores. However, it’s essential to wait 5-10 minutes after steaming before applying cold stones because rushing may prevent the trapped water in the pores from escaping, which may not be beneficial for your skin.

After steaming, gently apply ice to the skin to close the pores.

After steaming, gently apply ice to the skin to close the pores.

Check out these tips for minimizing pores to gain more experience!Step 4: Apply a Face Mask for Deep Nutrient Penetration

As mentioned above, after steaming, it is recommended to complement the process by applying a face mask for optimal results. Opt for gentle masks with natural extracts such as green tea, rose, tomato, etc. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes, observing a significant improvement in your skin.

Step 5: Apply Toner to Balance the Skin

Following the face mask application, use toner to balance and prevent bacterial growth on your skin. Dampen a cotton pad with toner and apply it to your skin with an appropriate amount. Gently pat to facilitate deep penetration of the toner into the skin, then proceed with your regular skincare routine.

Apply toner to balance the skin after a sauna.

Apply toner to balance the skin after a sauna.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin During a Steam Bath

In addition to understanding whether it is necessary to apply a face mask during or after a steam bath and how long to wait before applying it, you should also keep a few things in mind when undergoing a steam bath.

A steam bath involves the use of hot steam to open up the pores and flush out impurities, so it’s essential to exercise caution during the process to prevent the hot water from scalding your skin. Specifically, when covering your head with a towel during the steam bath, the temperature may rise rapidly and cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is advisable to wait until the water has cooled down before engaging in the steam bath.

Exercise caution with sauna water as it reaches high temperatures, posing a risk to the skin.

Exercise caution with sauna water as it reaches high temperatures, posing a risk to the skin.

Choose Appropriate Ingredients: There are numerous ingredients available for steam baths, each offering different benefits. For relaxation, consider adding a few drops of lavender essential oil or lemongrass essential oil to enhance the soothing experience. If time is limited, lemongrass, lemon leaves, and grapefruit peel are optimal choices due to their accessibility and ease of storage.Avoid Overusing Steam Baths: Any beauty method, when performed excessively, can have adverse effects. Therefore, limit facial steam baths to a frequency that maximizes the method’s effectiveness without overuse.

Regularly Visit a Spa for Deep Skin Care: In addition to self-steam baths and home skincare routines, consider visiting reputable spas for comprehensive skin care.

The information above aims to clarify whether applying a facial mask after a steam bath is necessary. Follow the correct steam bath method at an appropriate frequency to maintain youthful, radiant, and vibrant-looking skin!

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