#27 early signs of pregnancy and things to note for women

by Johnny Jacks
In addition to using a pregnancy test or blood test, ultrasound, mothers can determine pregnancy by early signs of pregnancy. When a mother has early signs of pregnancy, what will it look like? How will the mother’s body change? What should I do when I find out I’m pregnant? To find out more, check out the article below!

Recognize the 27 earliest signs of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a mother’s body will undergo significant changes from the outside and inside. Here are some common early signs of pregnancy that moms often encounter such as:

Breasts change

One of the signs of pregnancy that makes mothers uncomfortable is the change in breast size. At this time, your breasts will be much larger than normal. The amount of blood in your body will increase, making your breasts not only bigger, but also more sensitive or making you uncomfortable at night.

In addition, the breasts will have changes such as more blue veins, the areola is getting darker and wider, the nipples are firmer and more sensitive, …

Urinate many times

Frequent urination, continuously in a day is also one of the signs of pregnancy that mothers need to pay attention to. During pregnancy, the hormones in the mother’s body will change, causing the blood circulation to increase and the kidneys to work harder. On the other hand, the growth of the fetus also puts pressure on the bladder, causing the mother to have to urinate constantly.


Nausea is also known as morning sickness in pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Morning sickness can happen anywhere or at any time, regardless of day or night. Most mothers experience morning sickness when smelling food, seeing food or after eating.

The cause of morning sickness in mothers during pregnancy is still unknown. However, morning sickness is often caused by changes in the hormone hCG and estrogen in the mother’s body during pregnancy. When mothers have morning sickness will not endanger the baby and health. But if morning sickness is severe and prolonged, it will make mothers more susceptible to fatigue, weakness and affect the development of the baby.

Often sleepy

Mothers often feel tired, always feel sleepy, exhausted even though they have had enough sleep. These signs are the early signs of pregnancy that mothers often encounter. During pregnancy, the mother’s body produces the hormone progesterone, which has a sedative effect, so it makes mothers very sleepy.

At the same time, the amount of blood and oxygen to supply the fetus also makes the body and circulatory system work more, so the mother’s body falls into a state of exhaustion.


Bloating is a common condition that many pregnant women suffer from. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone increases excessively, causing the muscles to relax and the intestinal muscles to relax, which slows down the digestive process, causing food to remain in the digestive tract, causing bloating.

In addition, bloating in pregnant women can also be caused by constipation, rapid weight gain that puts pressure on the pelvis or the growing fetus, gestational diabetes, etc. Flatulence can be improved by drinking more water, eating more vegetables to supplement fiber, doing light exercise, etc.

Vaginal discharge a lot

Vaginal discharge is also a sign for mothers to recognize early pregnancy. During pregnancy, the mother’s vagina will secrete more discharge, the vaginal discharge will be milky white. And this will not affect the health of the baby and the mother.

However, mothers also need to be aware if the vaginal discharge is foul-colored, has an abnormal color such as green, brown or yellow, then the mother may have the disease. At this time, mothers should see a doctor for timely treatment.

Vaginal color changes

In a normal state, the mother’s vagina will be pink during pregnancy due to the increased blood supply to the tissues in this area. Therefore, the mother’s vagina will change color to a deep red purple color. This change is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy that you can recognize after the 4th week of pregnancy.

Swollen, painful gums

There are many reasons why mothers have swollen and painful gums during pregnancy, most of which are because the mother’s gums and teeth during pregnancy become sensitive and susceptible to bacteria attack. In addition, hormonal changes will make the mother’s body hotter than usual, and the amount of blood in the body will also increase. Those are the reasons why women often have swollen gums, gingivitis during pregnancy.

On the other hand, in the early stages of pregnancy, some pregnant women often experience morning sickness and crave more sour or sweet than usual. Mothers eating too many sweets will also lead to tooth decay and gingivitis during pregnancy.

Dizziness, fainting

The condition of mothers who often experience dizziness and fainting during pregnancy is often caused by increased blood flow in the body due to hormonal changes that cause blood vessels to dilate. When blood vessels dilate and blood pressure drops, the mother will experience headaches, dizziness and fainting.

Not only that, in the early stages of pregnancy, mothers often faint due to low blood sugar.

Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding, also known as pregnancy blood, usually appears from 10-14 days after the egg has been fertilized. However, in some mothers, near the menstrual cycle, abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding appear, so it is often mistaken for menstrual blood.

Bleeding usually appears very little and only causes vaginal discharge to be pink or slightly discolored. As for menstrual blood, it will often be dark and massive with a large amount of blood. In particular, not every pregnant mother has vaginal bleeding, for many pregnant women, vaginal bleeding only occurs in the first or second pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding is usually caused by the fertilized egg moving into the uterus to make a nest and attach to the uterine lining. This process causes the lining of the uterus to be damaged leading to bleeding, vaginal bleeding, … This is a sign of early pregnancy that is not harmful to health, so mothers do not need too much. worried.

According to many doctors, in some cases, vaginal bleeding is a sign of dangerous diseases such as uterine polyps, gynecological infections, cervical cancer, uterine fibroids, etc. Therefore, if vaginal bleeding occurs, mothers should see a doctor for a more accurate health check.

Taste changes

The change in taste is also a sign to know early pregnancy. The most obvious is that during pregnancy you may feel nauseous with a food that you really like or may crave a food that you have never eaten before. This condition is caused by an increase in the hormone hCG in the body, causing the mother to have a taste sensation.

Produce a lot of saliva

On average, the average person’s body will secrete about 2 liters of saliva every day to support digestion, lubricate and clean the oral cavity. As for pregnant mothers, the amount of saliva will be more secreted due to reasons such as morning sickness, hormonal changes during pregnancy, heartburn, dental disease, etc.

Therefore, when mothers notice early pregnancy through the secretion of saliva of the body. The state of producing a lot of saliva during pregnancy of mothers is completely harmless, in some cases also brings benefits to mothers such as reducing heartburn, vomiting, cleaning the oral cavity, balancing the acid levels of the stomach. thick,…

When the pregnancy is older, the pregnant mother has all the symptoms of morning sickness, the amount of saliva will also gradually decrease.


This is a symptom that almost every mother experiences during pregnancy. The level of progesterone hormone in the body of pregnant women increases, causing the digestive system to stagnate. In addition, the growth of the fetus also puts pressure on the pelvis and bladder, making the mother prone to bloating and constipation.

To improve this situation, mothers should pay more attention to their diet, eat more green vegetables and fresh fruits to supplement fiber and drink enough water every day.

Mood swings

The mood of mothers during pregnancy changes very erratically and is difficult to control. This is like when it comes to menstruation, the hormones in the body change, making a woman’s temperament very uncomfortable, irritable and so is pregnancy.

During pregnancy, to nourish the baby, the mother’s body will produce more hormones progesterone and estrogen. This greatly affects the mood and emotions of mothers, making them more sensitive. Mothers will often feel uncomfortable, tired, depressed or erratic.


During pregnancy, the mother’s body will have hormonal changes to adapt to the presence of the baby. During this time, your joints and ligaments will loosen up in preparation for pregnancy and delivery. Therefore, pregnant women will often experience pain and soreness in the back, which will be more uncomfortable in the later stages of pregnancy.


The body of a pregnant woman has many changes due to an increase in the levels of hormones that lead to headache symptoms. Headaches often appear in the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, more than 80% of pregnant women have signs of headaches during pregnancy and nearly 60% of mothers have migraines in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Symptoms that mothers can easily recognize such as female headaches, throbbing headaches, pain accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Headaches during pregnancy can also be caused by the rapid increase of the baby’s weight, causing the blood circulation in the body to be affected, the nervous system is affected, leading to anemia and causing headaches.

Some mothers during pregnancy have some bad habits such as being lazy to drink water, not eating right, and having enough meals to lower blood sugar, leading to headaches during pregnancy. Some mothers even stay up late, using stimulant drinks that cause difficulty sleeping, lack of sleep, nervous tension also cause headaches.

Unusual weight gain

As the fetus grows, the mother’s body weight increases. In order to meet enough nutrients for the fetus, during pregnancy, mothers often crave and eat a lot. Therefore, the mother’s weight in the first period may increase abnormally.

Short of breath, short of breath

Hormonal changes and the fact that the body must provide a large amount of oxygen to the ovaries to maintain oxygen for the development of the baby makes the mother’s heart rate increase rapidly and often have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. This condition appears after a few weeks of intercourse, indicating that the sisters have shown signs of pregnancy. Australian mothers should see a doctor to know a little bit about their own health status.

Body temperature rise

The level of progesterone hormone in the body of pregnant women will increase, causing the body temperature in the first 3 months of pregnancy to increase accordingly. Normally, the mother’s body temperature will be 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than normal. During this time, mothers do not need to worry too much and do not need to take medicine, but should add a lot of water to the body.

Hot flashes

Mother’s body temperature will be higher than normal during pregnancy, making the skin not sweat quickly, so it is easy to get heat rash. Heat rash usually appears in areas of the skin with many folds or areas that are often subjected to friction and contact with clothing.


Cramps will appear after about 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. The cause of this phenomenon is that the growth of the uterus to match the size of the baby has pressed on the blood vessels in the legs, causing the mother to have cramps.

Therefore, during pregnancy, mothers should fully supplement calcium for the body in combination with daily massage and gentle exercise to improve this condition.

Stomach aching

When the fertilized egg moves into the uterus to implant, there are hormone changes in the body that will affect the mother’s digestion. Dull abdominal pain will usually occur in the first 1-2 weeks after the egg has been fertilized.

Mothers often confuse the symptoms of dull abdominal pain due to pregnancy with menstrual pain or abdominal pain due to digestive disorders. Therefore, to determine pregnancy, mothers should monitor other signs of the body to know for sure.

Skin is a bit dark

The level of hormones progesterone and estrogen in the body increases, the blood circulation in the body is also greater, causing the melanin pigments to also increase. This pigment will form dark spots and dark spots on the skin. Therefore, mothers who go out in the sun should regularly use sunscreen to prevent tanning and improve this condition.

Hair changes

During pregnancy, hormonal changes make a significant impact on the health and psychology of pregnant women. Among them, hair changes are the most common cases.

Mother’s brain is often dry, fibrous, quickly greasy or produces more oil. To improve this situation, pregnant women should drink a lot of water, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, limit the heat effect on the hair, …


During pregnancy, the mother’s body must produce more blood to feed the baby, the hormones in the body will put pressure on the blood vessels to dilate. The nose is where there are many small blood vessels, so it is easy to burst and cause nosebleeds.

This nosebleed condition does not affect the health of the mother and the baby, most nosebleeds will go away on their own without medication. However, if the mother has continuous nosebleeds with a large amount of blood, she must see a doctor immediately for timely treatment.

Uterine contractions

Increased hormone levels and the growth of the uterus in preparation for the arrival of the baby causes uterine contractions. This phenomenon is completely normal, so pregnant women do not need to worry. However, if uterine contractions are accompanied by vaginal bleeding, mothers need to see a doctor immediately for timely treatment.

Late period

Signs of a missed period are easy to recognize and are used by most mothers to monitor pregnancy. Because once you are pregnant, the fertilized egg will implant in your uterus and you will no longer see your menstrual cycle. At the same time, the mother’s body at this time will produce hCG hormone to thicken the uterine lining and nourish the fetus.

Besides, when the mother is overworked, worried, stressed or has a gynecological infection, it also delays the period. Therefore, when mothers find that their period is late, they can buy a pregnancy test to check the level of hCG hormone in the body. If the result is positive, then you should see your doctor as soon as possible to diagnose the pregnancy result accurately and check the development of the fetus.

What to do when you have signs of pregnancy

Besides the joy and happiness when there is a little angel in the family, mothers cannot avoid worries and difficulties during the upcoming pregnancy. Therefore, mothers can equip themselves with some basic knowledge during pregnancy to feel secure and ensure the safety of both mother and baby such as:

Home pregnancy test

After detecting the above signs of pregnancy, the first thing a mother needs to do is to accurately determine the pregnancy. Usually, the fastest way for mothers to choose is to buy a pregnancy test. The pregnancy test will use urine to check based on the response of hCG hormone in the mother’s body during pregnancy.

In case the test strip shows 2 lines, there is a high chance that the mother is pregnant. But to be more sure, you should see your doctor to do some necessary tests to confirm pregnancy.

Going for a pregnancy ultrasound

When having symptoms of pregnancy, mothers need to see a health care provider as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct a fetal ultrasound to rule out ectopic pregnancy and check the mother’s health indicators such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight, etc. Preventing diseases during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, …

Practice a healthy lifestyle

Once they know they are pregnant, mothers are building a healthy lifestyle for the health of their babies and themselves. Pregnant women should not smoke and should stay away from secondhand smoke because it is very harmful to the unborn baby. At the same time, mothers should also limit the use of alcohol, stimulants, carbonated water because it can increase the risk of premature birth, miscarriage, low birth weight, birth defects, …

In addition, the mother should have a reasonable working regime, should not work too hard, do not work in a toxic environment or work standing for too long because it will affect the baby. Maintain a reasonable sleep and rest regime, sleep at least 8 hours a day and about 30 minutes to take a lunch break. Because the baby will sleep according to the mother’s bedtime, you should go to bed early and limit staying up too late.

Along with sleeping, pregnant women should also regularly exercise to relax the body, blood circulation and help the mind more comfortable. Gentle exercises such as yoga, walking, kegels, etc. will help the mother’s body be more flexible and limit some pregnancy diseases effectively.

Nutrition for the body

The first months of the fetus focus on developing organs and parts of the body, as well as the brain and nervous system. Therefore, mothers must supplement with adequate nutrients for the baby to develop and the mother to be healthy. Some essential nutrients mothers must supplement such as:

  • Calcium: This substance helps the fetus to form bones and teeth and the mother can supplement it with some foods such as shrimp, crab, crab, fish, eggs, milk, …
  • Fat: Helps the mother store energy for the body, fat is often found in meat, nuts, butter, vegetable oil, whole milk, ….
  • Protein: Every day, mothers should add 10-20g of protein to the body through foods such as meat, eggs, fish, milk, beans, …
  • Iron: This is an important nutrient to help prevent anemia during pregnancy. You can supplement it with foods such as heart, liver, nuts, green vegetables, sardines, dried fruits. …
  • Folic acid: Able to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, this substance is often found in nuts, cereals, cauliflower, spinach, …
  • Essential vitamins such as D, C, A, B, E, K, … help pregnant women increase resistance, avoid bleeding in pregnant women, prevent osteoporosis, rickets in children. Mothers can supplement through vegetables, fruits to eat daily or take medicine.
  • Omega 3: This is a very essential substance for the intellectual and physical development of children, this substance is often found in tuna, salmon, tofu, soybeans, milk, fish oil tablets, …

Learn maternity knowledge and choose a birthing facility

Pregnant mothers can learn maternity knowledge in many ways such as reading books, researching online, participating in antenatal classes, etc. Nowadays, hospitals often organize a lot of antenatal classes for pregnant women. couples have a baby for the first time. Here, parents will be equipped with a lot of knowledge such as health care during pregnancy, experience during labor, how to breathe during childbirth, when to go to the hospital, how to take care of the baby, etc. ..

Postpartum is also a very important period, so from the time of pregnancy, mothers must also equip themselves with a lot of knowledge to prevent postpartum complications such as sepsis, perineal infection, fluid retention, and vaginal discharge. blood,…

During pregnancy, mothers should also choose reputable and quality birthing facilities. Because the birthing facility has a very important role, it will greatly affect the delivery process and the health care of the baby and the mother after birth. The first selection criteria is to have good facilities, modern machinery and equipment, a team of professional doctors and attentive service.

The above article has answered the questions of mothers about early signs of pregnancy. Early detection of pregnancy is very important and greatly affects the development of the fetus later. So please take good care of yourself to welcome the “little angel” to this world healthy and safe.

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