60+ Common Ways to Say Thank You in English

by Johnny Jacks

“How to express gratitude in English goes beyond a simple “thank you,” encompassing a variety of phrases suitable for different situations. The diversity of expressions allows us to convey appreciation in a nuanced manner, tailored to specific contexts. This article aims to guide you through over 60 ways to convey thanks in English.

The Significance of Expressing Gratitude in English

The significance of expressing gratitude is universal, not only in English but also in our native languages. In various scenarios, such as when someone extends kindness, presents a gift, or pays us a compliment, it becomes essential to communicate our gratitude.

A thank-you note serves as a tool to articulate appreciation, emphasizing politeness and a respectable way of conducting oneself.

Therefore, as one learns English, mastering the art of expressing thanks in diverse ways becomes crucial. This skill not only enhances linguistic proficiency but also leaves a lasting impression on the listener.

60+ Ways to Express Gratitude in English

How to say thank you in normal English

In the English language, the common expression for expressing gratitude is “thank you.” This phrase is widely utilized in everyday conversations.

Apart from using “thank you,” an alternative is “thanks.” In situations where you share a polite relationship, such as with your manager or teacher, it is advisable to opt for “thank you” to convey a more formal and polite tone. Conversely, in more familiar relationships, like with friends or parents, “thanks” is considered acceptable.

While there are numerous communication scenarios that call for expressions of gratitude, it’s important to note that we don’t always rely solely on the phrase “thank you.” Explore a variety of ways to convey appreciation in English by referring to the list of 30+ alternatives provided below.

English Means Using
Thank you. Thank you Used in both formal and casual situations.
Thanks. Thank Use under normal circumstances.
Thank you very much. Thanks very much Emphasize your thanks.
No, thank you. No, thanks Used to politely refuse something.
Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you When agreeing with a suggestion, opinion, solution.
Thank you, my friend. Thank you my friend Used to thank a friend.
Thanks a million. Thank you very much When thanking someone very much.
Thanks a ton. Thank you very much When thanking someone very much.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for everything To thank someone for their effort.
Thank you, have a nice day. Thank you, have a nice day A polite way to end an exchange, such as in an email or over the phone.
Thank you for your help. Thanks for your help To thank someone for helping you.
Thank you for coming. Thanks for coming To thank someone for attending an event.
Many thanks. Thank you very much Informal way to say thank you.
Thank you for your business. Thank you for this work To thank customers for doing business with you.
Thank you for the gift. Thanks for the present Thank someone for a gift.
Thank you for listening. Thank you for listening Used when someone has listened to you speak, speak…
Thanks in advance. Thanks in advance Thank you when someone will do something for you.
Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service Thank a waiter, or customer service person.
Thank you for the ride. Thank you for the trip Thank the person who drove you, or the driver.
Thank you, brother. Thank you (or thank you brother) Thank your brother or sister when you treat someone like a brother.
Thank you, sister. Thank you (sister) Thank your sister or when you treat someone like your sister.
I’m so grateful. I’m so grateful Use to express gratitude.
I appreciate it. I’m very impressed When you want to express your appreciation.
I can’t thank you enough. I don’t know what to say other than thank you To express my deep gratitude.
That’s so kind of you. You are so nice Thank you when someone is willing to do something good for you.
You’ve been a big help. You have been of great help Thanks for anyone’s help.
I couldn’t have done it without you. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do it. Express gratitude when someone helps you.
I really appreciate your help. I really appreciate your help Express your appreciation.
I value your support. I appreciate your support (help) Used in the case of formal (formal)
I will never forget what you have done. I will never forget what you did for me Show how grateful you are.
You’re a lifesaver! You are my benefactor/saviour. A formal way to express gratitude.

How to Express Gratitude Politely and Formally in English

Here are nine ways to convey thanks in English that demonstrate professionalism in language use, fitting seamlessly into the context of your communication, such as in a work environment.

English Means Using
Thank you. Thank you Common expressions, used in all situations.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much Common expressions, used in all situations.
I sincerely appreciate your help. I sincerely appreciate your help. Express gratitude for someone’s help in a formal way.
Please accept my deepest thanks. Please accept my deep thanks. A very formal way of giving thanks; mainly used in formal written correspondence.
I appreciate your assistance. I appreciate your support. Used in a business setting to thank someone for helping you.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for your time Used in a business setting, for example, after a job interview.
Thank you for your feedback. Thanks for your respond Often used at work.
Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your review Used in a work environment, for example, after you’ve been invited for a job interview.
Thank you for your help. Thanks for your help A formal way to say thank you.

How to Express Gratitude in English While Texting

In text conversations, individuals frequently resort to using acronyms. Explore some of the most commonly employed acronyms below.

Acronyms Using
Thanx / thnx / thx Abbreviation for “thanks”
Ty Abbreviation for “thank you”
Tyty Short for “thank you, thank you”.
Tysm Abbreviation for “thank you very much”
Kthx Abbreviation for “ok, thanks”
Tyia Abbreviation for “thank you in advance”
Nty Short for “no, thank you”
Tysvm Abbreviation for “thank you so very much”
Tyfe Abbreviation for “thank you for everything”
Tyfj Abbreviation for “thank you for joining”

How to Express Gratitude in an Email or Card

In various cultures, it is customary to extend thanks through letters or by sending thank-you cards. Below are a few ways to express gratitude in English for your convenient use later.

Form 1 (at work)

Dear [Name],

Thank you so much for your time and valuable advice last week. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done to help propel this project forward.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Pandemic Version:

Dear [Name],

Thank you so much for your time and helpful advice last week. I genuinely appreciate your contributions to the progress of this project.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Form 2 (to a friend or relative)

Dear [Name],

How are you? I just wanted to say thanks so much for your help! I couldn’t have done this without you.

Love you, [Your Name]

Pandemic Version:

Dear [Name],

How are you? I just wanted to say thank you so much for your help. I probably wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.

Love you, [Your Name]

Form 3 (when receiving a gift from someone)

Dear [Name],

I received your gift. It’s lovely! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I truly appreciate it.

All the best, [Your Name]

Pandemic Version:

Dear [Name],

I have already received your gift. How lovely it is! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I am very appreciative of that.

Wishing you all the best, [Your Name]

Here is a summary of the most commonly used ways to express gratitude in English. We hope that you will use these expressions flexibly in various situations. Moreover, if you are interested in acquiring valuable and practical knowledge of English grammar, follow the ‘Learn English’ category from us today!

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